Just Say Yes!

Just Saying Yes Doesn't Mean You’re Saved! Let’s just jump right into this! I have heard on a few occasions when I have visited a particular church service. After a wonderful message, the pastor would offer those that don’t know Jesus personally, those that don’t have a personal relationship with Him, a chance to know Him. So he explains to the audience that all you have to do is just say “Yes to Jesus. Just say yes and He will walk with you. After we pray we want and you say yes to Jesus, we want you to step out into the aisle, and once you do you will experience a relationship with God...come down and we will give you a Bible and a few next step instructions.” He then prayed for them. Of course, I was waiting for that prayer of repentance and the explanation of why they were saying yes to Jesus but it never came just a prayer of thanks. Now with no disrespect to the man of God, because I know he meant well, however, just saying yes does not mean you are saved...