Proof You Can Live Forever!

Proof You Can Live Forever! The first thing you must do is pick up a copy of my new book Pathway to Christ . Because when you pick up a copy of Pathway to Christ what you will learn within the pages of this book is that I will not only show you through the Bible that you can live forever, but you will learn how to walk a clear path to eternal life. Here are a few things you will learn on how to live forever in my book Pathway to Christ : First, Repentance: We must recognize that we have sinned against God: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” ( Romans 3:23 ). Matthew 3:2 “Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” We have all done things that are displeasing to God, which makes us deserving of punishment. Since all our sins are ultimately against an eternal God, only an eternal punishment is sufficient. “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” ( Romans 6:23 ). ...