The Power of an “I Will” Spirit

The Power of an “I Will” Spirit David wrote in Psalm 34:1 “ I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” There was a college student who was struggling in many areas of his life. He spent a great deal of his time feeling angry and frustrated. When he could stand it no longer, he went to the dim and seldom-used chapel on campus. He paced up and down the aisles, slapping the back of the empty pews. He yelled, he cried, and he raged at God. “God, you created the world…what could you possibly have been thinking? Look at the problems people face. Look at the pain, suffering, and hunger. Look at the neglect, the waste, the abuse. Everywhere I look, I see messed-up people, hurting people, lonely people!” He ranted and raved on and on. Finally, exhausted, he sat in the front pew and looked hopelessly at the cross hanging on the wall. Its surface was tarnished and reflected the dusty sunlight filtering in through the stained-glass windows. “It’...