Life IS hard!
Life IS hard!: Is It?
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Is Life Really That Hard? |
I understand that life is harder for some than it is for others. But we live in an imperfect world, and in fact, we are imperfect beings.
People have allowed disasters, accidents, heartaches, illness, and loss to overwhelm them to the point of checking themselves out of life altogether. I can relate to a point, because back in 1984 I was one of those that wanted to check myself out of life earlier than purposed. The reason I know that it was not purposed is because I am still here.
I felt that my life was spiraling out of control all because I did not understand not being loved when I was raised in a very loving household. Being rejected from a person that you thought loved you is a very real traumatic ordeal to comprehend when you’re young. I say young because I was in my early twenties with a baby on the way.
I can understand how one feels when their heart has been stomped on by another human being. And I don’t take the hurt and bruised emotions lightly when I hear young people express their pain from being hurt. Even though, those that are under the age of 18 really should be focusing on school and their future more so than having a steady boyfriend or girlfriend. Young relationships can be stressful and then you grow up to have adult relationship stress and drama!
Jesus actually agreed that life is hard. He said, “In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). All this hardship came has a result of the fall of man. Life was never supposed to hard because when God created the world it was perfect and He placed the first man and the first woman in it and they were perfect.
Their bodies were perfect, I know some of us wished our bodies were perfect. The climate was perfect. Even their relationship was perfect. They had everything they could ever need or want. And the best part about all of this, they had the presence of God right there with them! For goodness sake, they lived in paradise! However, as we all know, all of that changed with this one question to Eve, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1b). That’s when it all started to slip away.
As a result of sin, God cursed the perfect world and made it turn on the perfect man and woman to where they became imperfect themselves. Sin ruined everything then and it’s ruining everything today. Why is life so hard? Because when you multiply that one sin in the Garden of Eden, by tens of millions, you begin to understand why our world is so messed up.
The fallout of sin has a rippling effect in our lives. And it carries with it destruction to others. For example: Raymond gets drunk. That’s one sin (Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a mocker, Strong drink is a brawler, And whoever is led astray by it is not wise). Raymond comes home and he beats his wife and abuses the children: more sin. Raymond’s wife suffers a broken nose that will cause her problems for the rest of her life.
The children are so traumatized that they start running away from home, eventually getting involved with gangs, drugs and prostitution. More sin. One of Raymond’s sons gets into his car while under the influence of drugs, ignores a stop light and slams into a school van killing five kids. Their families will now suffer the loss for the rest of their lives, and others will be affected by their pain as well in various ways. The fallout from one sin continues to spread, and countless others are impacted, and impacting others, and the sin legacy goes on and on.
Yes, life is hard. ready for it? Here it is… “YOUR BEST IS YET TO COME” you knew it was coming! No matter what you are facing right now, it is only temporary. But remember this, God promised that He would never leave you nor would He ever forsake you! Yes, life is hard, but you can rest easy to know that the Holy Spirit will comfort you, He will help you, and He will stay with you forever. Jesus said in John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever”.
Life being hard is a reminder to us that this world is not our home. It is not our final destination. We are just pilgrims passing through. Going through struggles and hardships actually develops the character of Christ within us as we grow in Him. Just as He struggled during His time here on earth, Isaiah 53:3 says, “He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him”.
When I was faced with life’s hardship back in 1984, the Spirit of God came into my room and did just what He said He would. He comforted me and out of that I wrote a poem that was published and received the editors choice award. It got first billing in a national poetry book. What that means is once the book was opened, my poem one the very first one you saw. And now I am a published author of my very first book, Pathway to Christ. A book that simplifies how one can accept Christ into their heart. And allow Him to help you live a better life. A more purposed life.
To encourage your hearts, I want to share my poem with you… And I hope it blesses you as it did me and many others over the years. It’s entitled “Rescued”
An angel came to rescue me
For in this life I wanted to leave
So much pain, sorrow, and grief
To take my life would be my relief.
In a room filled with despair
Thinking if I died no one would really care.
Answers run in the mind
Of questions I can’t seem to find
At the point of no return
There’s a still small voice so loving and yet so stern
Realizing now there is a love I am yet to learn.
In all the pain, grief, and despair
Somehow I knew you were there.
So now I will live take away the pain, grief, and sorrow
For now I have hope for tomorrow.
I believed in one thing, to find happiness was to die
In meeting you I now know that my life was a lie.
An angel came to rescue me
For in this life I wanted to leave
But now I know in whom I believe.
Copyright 1984
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