Wanted: A Husband

Need a Husband?

But What Kind of Husband?

The Bible says, "He that finds a wife finds a good thing" (Proverbs 18:22). But does that mean you can't find that good man in the process of you waiting to be found? After all, how do you expect to be found unless you make yourself available. And how do you make yourself available? That's a very good question and one that many have mistaken it's meaning. It just means prepare yourself to be found. Are you in the presence of God? Are you consistent in your walk with God? Preparing yourself is very important to you being found by your purpose partner. That one God has purposed for you to be with. If you are not preparing yourself both naturally and spiritually, then don't expect God to release your husband to find you.

When a Christian woman is looking for, or should I say, desiring to have a husband, the most important of all, she should do her best to seek a man "after God's own heart (Acts 13:22 And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will’). 

I read an article not to long ago by Z. Hunter (2015), she says to her fellow queens, "STOP LOOKING FOR YOUR MAN. No matter how much you try to disguise your attempts, you trying to draw a man into you, you trying to trap a man, and you actively seeking a man is you looking for one. The scripture says nothing about women seeking out to be found by the man, but simply that the man is to find her. The man is led by God to his wife, when he is ready and properly prepared."

I can agree to disagree with her statement. True, a woman should not have to "look" for her purpose partner. However, there is nothing wrong in seeing what's being presented. There is a difference between looking and seeking. No one said you have to be a nun and lock yourself up in a bell tower. How else is he going to find you, Unless you are visible. Do you go to church events? Concerts? Workshop? Conferences, Revivals?! Not for the sole purpose of finding a man (even though I know many of you do), but you are keeping yourself active and being godly busy. Making yourself visible.

News flash! I found my wife on Facebook!! We were both in the legal industry and never met. Attended some of the same events and never saw each other. She knew and were good friends with my brother in our business. Who knew? But she was already in the preparing stage of her life and being that she was on social media, that's where I "saw" or better yet, "found" her. She shared with me something she noted in her journal five years earlier in what type of man she desired and prayed for. Ladies, do you have any idea of the type of man you desire to have in your life? And have you petitioned God about it? I mean be extremely detailed. If you just say you want a good man you just might get that in a short chubby bald, bad breath man. But hey, he's a good man! 

My wife did just that, she was very detailed in her request, and what freaked me out was everything described in her journal was me to a tee! It really shouldn't have freaked me out because it was all God.

She said she stopped "looking" and just lived her life and allowed God to do the rest. Being that she was being godly busy God led me to where she was. And I watched her from a distance. Many of you might call it stalking. But I wanted to make sure it wasn't just me and what I wanted because of what I saw. It was a Gideon thing. As I was paying attention to her life from afar I saw that she was consistent in her walk. She was not posting photos of herself that caused me to doubt her testimony. And just a side note, be careful what type of photos you post ladies. Certain photos will let a man know what type of person you really are. And if you don't want to be labeled as "for sale" then don't display your goods in the window.

It's no secret that there are those women that go far and beyond to "find" a man to marry. And what happens in that is she finds whatever comes her way. You really have to be prepared and lined up in God's will then without a shadow of a doubt you will find each other. The man is in seeking mode, and the woman is in the finding mode.  

The most important relationship that (you), any of us have is (your), our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. That relationship should come before all others, your mama, your daddy, your husband, your wife, your children, and even the one you decide to get into a relationship with. If your vertical relationship with the Lord is as it should be, then your horizontal relationships will reflect that godly reality. That being said, a potential husband should be a man who has his focus upon walking in obedience to God's Word and who seeks to live so that his life brings glory to God (1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God).
What are some qualities to look for? The apostle Paul gives us the qualities one should look for in a husband in 1 Timothy chapter 3. In this chapter are the qualifications for a leader in the church body. However, these qualities should grace the lives of any man who walks "after God's heart." The qualities can be paraphrased as follows: a man should be patient and controlled in his demeanor, not filled with pride but of sober mental attitude, able to master his emotions, given to graciousness to others, able to patiently teach, not given to drunkenness or uncontrolled use of any of God's gifts, not prone to violence, not overly focused upon the details of life but focused upon God, not apt to be a hot-head or be thin-skinned so that he takes offense easily, and grateful for what God has given, rather than envious of what gifts others have received.

These qualities describe a man who is actively engaged in the process of becoming a mature believer. That is the type of man a woman should look for as a potential husband. Pay close attention to these qualification ladies. Yes, physical attraction, similar interests, complementary strengths and weaknesses, and the desire for children are things to consider. These things, though, must be secondary to the spiritual qualities a woman should look for in a man. A man you can trust, respect, and follow in the path of godliness is of far greater value than a man of good looks, fame, power, or has a lot of money.
Finally, when "looking" for a husband, you must be surrendered to God's will in your life. Every woman wants to find her "prince charming," but the simple truth is that she will probably marry a man with as many flaws as she has. Then, by God's grace, they will spend the rest of their lives together learning how to be a partner to, and servant of, each other. 

When you enter into the second most-important relationship of your life (marriage), not under an emotional cloud, but with your eyes wide open. Your most important relationship, with our Lord and Savior, has to be the focus of your life as well as in love and relationships. 

(Z. Hunter, 2015): Dear Queens https://www.dearqueens.com/


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