Wanted: A Husband

Need a Husband? But What Kind of Husband? The Bible says, "He that finds a wife finds a good thing" ( Proverbs 18:22 ). But does that mean you can't find that good man in the process of you waiting to be found? After all, how do you expect to be found unless you make yourself available. And how do you make yourself available? That's a very good question and one that many have mistaken it's meaning. It just means prepare yourself to be found. Are you in the presence of God? Are you consistent in your walk with God? Preparing yourself is very important to you being found by your purpose partner. That one God has purposed for you to be with. If you are not preparing yourself both naturally and spiritually, then don't expect God to release your husband to find you. When a Christian woman is looking for , or should I say, desiring to have a husband, the most important of all, she should do her best to seek a man "after God's own heart ( Acts ...